Hello Library Community!
The Bureau of Library Development (BLD) in the Office of Commonwealth Libraries (OCL) will be accepting applications for the following three local library grants from April 19 to May 20, 2024. These projects are made possible by Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Office of Commonwealth Libraries.
Excellent and Equitable Youth Services Grant
The Excellent and Equitable Youth Services Grant provides funds to evaluate and curate inclusive youth collections that reflect and serve the unique needs of youth ages birth to 18. This grant opportunity is available to up to 30 schools and state-aided public libraries throughout Pennsylvania.
In addition to developing appealing fiction and non-fiction collections, successful applicants will be provided with professional support through participation in community of practice sessions that will facilitate an information exchange of quality library materials and best practices for collection development and community youth engagement.
For fiscal year 2024-25, BLD intends to award 30 school and public libraries $5,000 each for this project.
Sustaining Success Grant for Family Place and Play & Grow Libraries
For over 20 years, BLD has supported libraries by providing the initial funding for training and materials needed to join the national Family Place Libraries network. As part of this national network, registered Family Place Libraries transform into community centers for early childhood information, parent education, socialization, emergent literacy, and family support.
Play & Grow was introduced as a similar initiative in 2019 with local training for staff and fewer barriers to participation. BLD is continuing to provide support for these successful programs so they continue to grow and remain sustainable for participating libraries.
This grant will support existing Pennsylvania Family Place Libraries and existing Play & Grow Libraries by offering funding to update their childhood/parenting space in the children’s room through the purchase of toys and collections for very young children, as well resources for parents.
For fiscal year 2024-25, BLD intends to award 30 libraries $2,500 each for this project.
Professional Development Mini-Grant
Professional development is continuing education and career training that a person participates in after they have entered the workforce. This learning helps to develop new skills and stay up-to-date on current trends. Investing in personal and organizational learning is the best way to ensure both career growth for yourself and/or your staff and to ensure the provision of high-quality library services for Pennsylvania communities.
Gaps in knowledge and learning should be assessed on an individual/organizational level and learning goals should strive to close those knowledge gaps. This mini-grant serves to provide financial support to meet those goals on an individual or organizational level.
Individual learning mini-grants are available to support the activities of a single learner and group learning mini-grants are available to support any activity that would apply to a group of learners (hiring speakers for virtual or in-person staff-training, online course for a group). This grant can be used to host district or region-wide training, as well as to provide training for trustees or volunteers.
For fiscal year 2024-25, BLD intends to award public libraries up to $1,000 for an individual learning project and up to $5,000 for a group learning project.
Application Deadline, Notification, and Grant Period
Applicants must submit their application on the eGrants platform before noon on May 20, 2024. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. BLD expects to notify applicants in June 2024 regarding the status of their applications. The grant performance period for project work is July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.
More Information
The recorded Local Library Grant information session, including questions and answers, can be viewed here on the PA Library Staff Academy. The recorded information session and additional application information is available on OCL’s Library Services and Technology Act Funds (LSTA) Lib Guide.
For questions about the Excellent and Equitable Youth Services Local Library Grant process, please contact Corri Hines (cohines@pa.gov), School Age Services Advisor, and Heather Warren Smith (sheather@pa.gov), Early Childhood Services Advisor. For questions about the Sustaining Success Grant process, please contact Heather Warren Smith (sheather@pa.gov). For questions about Professional Development Mini-Grants, please contact Julie Moore (julmoore@pa.gov).
The Bureau of Library Development (BLD) in the Office of Commonwealth Libraries supports libraries and library services for Pennsylvanians through the administration of state and federally funded programs and grant opportunities including LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act), Library Access, LAMP (Library of Accessible Media for Pennsylvanians), the Public Library Subsidy, and Keystone Grants for Public Library Facilities. BLD also provides advisory services, professional development, and continuing education for library staff and volunteer leadership at public, school, academic, and special libraries.
The Compendium is BLD’s primary communication channel. If you don’t already subscribe, please do so to ensure you receive the most up-to-date information.