Call for Nominations for the PALS 2015 (PaLA Academy of Leadership Studies)! | STAGING Compendium

Note:  Nomination deadline is May 8

The Academy will be held:
Dates: Sunday, June 14 – Wednesday, June 17
Place: Radisson Penn Harris /
Featured Speaker: David Bendekovic / The B. A. David Company /


  • $550 per person (includes program, lodging, meals; transportation not included)
  • $500 per person if sending 2 or more from same Organization or PaLA Chapter, Division, or RoundTables!

Although many PALS participants are sponsored by the PaLA Chapters, Divisions, and Round Tables, nominations are also accepted from organizations, libraries, library systems, as well as self-nominations. However, priority will be given to PaLA Chapters, Divisions, and Round Tables. Those nominating librarians for the program are responsible for funding that individual to attend ($550 per person if sending only one librarian or $500 per person if sending more than one individual). The open nominations will be reviewed by the Leadership Development Committee. Librarians that attend PALS through the open process are still required to provide service to PaLA following graduation.


Nomination deadline is Friday, May 8, 2015.

Attendees will be notified no later than Monday, May 18, 2015.

Full payment ($550 per person or $500 per person if sending 2 or more from the same Organization or PaLA Chapter, Division, or Round Table) for the program is due by Monday, June 8, 2015.

Pay to the order of PENNSYLVANIA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Mail to Pennsylvania Library Association, 220 Cumberland Parkway, Suite 10, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Attention: Kim Snyder, Education & Finance Manager. Please enter PALS in the memo of your remittance.

To nominate librarians, please submit the following to the PALS Co-Chairs, Sandy Longo ( and Stephanie Sharon ( by the above noted deadline:

  • A letter of interest from the nominee indicating why they feel they would be a good candidate for PALS and how they would like to serve PaLA
    ·         A current resume from the nominee
    ·         A letter of support from the nominating party indicating why they feel their nominee has leadership potential and should attend PALS

Nominees must meet the following requirements:

  • Degreed Librarian (must have the degree before attending program)
    ·         0 – 6 years POST MLS/MLIS work experience
    ·         Demonstrate leadership potential
    ·         Has leadership “spark”
    ·         Must be willing to remain at the hotel for the duration of the PALS workshop, including overnight
    ·         Must be willing to provide service to PaLA and the profession after completing the program
    ·         PaLA membership is not required to apply or attend, but will be required upon graduation from the program

If you have any questions, please contact Sandy Longo ( or Stephanie Sharon (

Link to PALS Information: 

Thank you!
–submitted by Sandy Longo and Stephanie Sharon