ILEAD USA Keynote Speakers: These are a MUST Watch! | STAGING Compendium

Have you watched the ILEAD USA Keynote speaker videos?

Speakers include:
Anne Craig:  Introduction to ILEAD USA (this link includes Lankes’ presentation)
David Lankes:  Everything They Taught You in Library School is Wrong
Eli Neiburger: Flatland
Sina Bahram: Perspectives and Advice on Accessibility and Design
David Bendekovich: Great People Make Great Libraries
John Emerson: Inspired Outreach Inspired.

A few of their handouts are also available.

The State Library of Pennsylvania is participating in ILEAD USA, an IMLS funded national leadership and technology program in partnership with the State Library of Illinois and 9 other states.  In Pennsylvania five teams of library workers, from various types of libraries, work on solving a community problem with the use of participatory technology.  It is a nine month program with three in-person sessions.