Futures Conference: 75 PA Libraries Can Get Discount! | STAGING Compendium
Glenn R. Miller

Glenn R. Miller

(see below for special registration code)

I’m pleased to announce a unique learning opportunity for Pennsylvania’s librarians to attend the northeast regional 2017 Futures Conference on September 25 – 26, 2017 at the Borgata Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Participants will learn and discuss what the future may bring and how libraries may need to change in order to thrive.  Through presentations by professional futurists, group discussions, and hands-on training in forecasting the future, attendees will leave the conference with a sharper perspective on the future, one enriched with new and innovative possibilities.

And, if it’s anything like the last time this conference was held, this is a not-to-be-missed event.  Ten years ago, participants came away impressed and enthused by the conference’s speakers and discussions with librarians across the Northeast.

Sponsored by the state libraries of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and West Virginia, there are only 500 seats available at the conference.  So register as early as you can to reserve your spot! 

Notable Presenters
Just a few of the notable presenters include:

  • Kevin Mitnick – Mitnick’s presentations include live demonstrations of the latest hacks and cyber threats. His keynotes are akin to technology magic shows that educate and inform while keeping people on the edge of their seats.
  • David Pescovitz – Pescovitz is a research director at Institute for the Future and a co-editor/partner at the influential tech/culture web site Boing Boing As a futurist, he often presents to Fortune 500 senior leaders about technology, science, innovation and media.
  • Dr. James Hughes – Hughes, a distinguished professor at Rutgers University and a nationally-recognized expert on demographics, housing, and regional economics, will provide his predictions for the demographics of the future.
  • Anthony Iovino   As the principal in the architect firm AIA, Iovino has built his reputation on innovative solutions to design challenges. His presentation will discuss the role of architecture in the future.

Conference Cost
Registration is now open for up to 75 Pennsylvania libraries to send one staff person at a discounted price of $195.  Once these 75 seats are filled, the registration fee will increase to $395 for all registrants.

The discounted seats will be available on a first-come, first-served basis for one person from the first 75 libraries that register.  If your library has additional people that want to attend, they must register at the full price of $395.

To register:

  1. Visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/futures-conference-imagination-inspiration-innovation-tickets-32919348658.
  2. Once there, click on the green “TICKETS” button.
  3. If you are the first person from your library to register, click on “Enter Promotional Code” in the upper right and enter the discount promotional code:
  4. After the first person registers from your library, your library should not use the promotional code again. Your library must purchase tickets at the “Non-Sponsor Ticket” rate of $395.
  5. Once all 75 discounted seats have been purchased, remaining registrants must purchase their tickets at the “Non-Sponsor Ticket” rate. 

Remember: only 1 person from your library should use the conference discount code. After the first person has registered from your library using the discount code, all other registrants must register at full price. 

A full breakfast and lunch for both days is included in the cost of your registration.

Registration ends on September 18, 2017.  Refunds can be issued up until August 25, 2017.

Hotel Accommodations

  • A block of hotel rooms has been reserved at the Borgata at the rate of $114 (plus 14% Occupancy Tax and $5 Atlantic City Occupancy Fee) per night.
  • For reservations, register online or contact the Borgata Hotel Reservations Department at (609) 317-1000 and identify yourself as an attendee of the Futures Conference using Group Code: GBNJL17.
  • Driving directions to the Borgata.
  • Self-parking is available at the Borgata for $5 per night for hotel guests. Valet parking is located at the entrance to The Water Club for $10 per visit.

Questions or Comments
Contact Jonelle Darr by email jodarr@pa.gov or by phone at (717) 783-5725.

Glenn R. Miller  |  Deputy Secretary & Commissioner for Libraries
Pennsylvania Department of Education  |  Office of Commonwealth Libraries
Room 200 Forum Building
607 South Drive  |  Harrisburg, PA  17120-0600
Phone:  717-783-2466  |  www.education.pa.gov  |  @PaDeptofEd

www.facebook.com/PADepartmentofEducation  |  pinterest.com/PADeptOfEd

VIDEO: #PAHasYourBack

The mission of the Department of Education is to ensure that every learner has access to a world-class education system that academically prepares children and adults to succeed as productive citizens. Further, the Department seeks to establish a culture that is committed to improving opportunities throughout the commonwealth by ensuring that technical support, resources, and optimal learning environments are available for all students, whether children or adults. 

This communication is issued on the Deputy Secretary’s behalf by Jonelle Darr, Executive Assistant (jodarr@pa.gov; 717-783-5725)