When: Wednesday, November 1st, 2-3pm (Eastern)
Description: The Consumer Health Information Specialization (CHIS) credential can help public librarians stay current in the consumer health information field and bring an additional, recognized level of expertise to their communities. This webinar will provide an overview of the CHIS designation, including its requirements and benefits, and will also showcase specific projects and programs that public library staff have developed with the knowledge they gained through the CHIS. In addition to learning about the credential and hearing real library examples, webinar participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of the presenters and discuss ideas with colleagues. This webinar will provide an excellent background and introduction to issues that will be covered in greater depth at the Public Library Association (PLA) 2018 preconference, “Stand Up for Health: Health and Wellness Services for Your Community.”
Speakers: Bobbi Newman, community engagement and outreach specialist at the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, will be co-presenting with Scott Allen, the deputy director at PLA. The webinar will feature three public librarians who have participated in our consumer health courses, obtained CHIS, and will share how they have used what they learned in their own community.