Back to Basics with Maker Programs | STAGING Compendium
Angie Andre Head Children’s Librarian Tredyffrin Public Library

Angie Andre, Children’s Librarian, Tredyffrin Public Library

By Angie Andre

I get very excited when I learn about a new gadget that we could use in a library Maker Program. I can see the possibility and the excitement that this shiney new technology will bring to patrons  young and old. Then I look at the price tag, the quantity we would need, it requires ipads (which we don’t have). With a sigh I go back to collection development and say to myself, next year. Next year I will write a grant or I will beg the Friends for money, or I will win a million dollars. Or not.

Personally I am a huge fan of old fashioned skills that take time and skill to acquire but offer unimaginable dividends. I started to think about all of the things I enjoy like knitting, sewing, and cooking and I realized that these skills can become a maker movement. Getting back to basics to create something with our hands is a treasure we are quickly losing.

I propose to you to think of one thing your mother, father, grandmother, or grandfather used to do that you no longer see anymore. Could you turn this into a low cost, high outcome maker program? I think we can do it! Here are some of my suggestions: Crocheted items

Crochet One Knit Too at Henrietta Hankin Library, Chester Springs, PA
Bring your needle work, whether it is knitting, crocheting, cross stitch or something else, and enjoy some time with others that also enjoy the art of creating! This group makes quilts and lapgans for local charities. 

 Sewing with Ms. Nancy at Honey Brook Library, Honey Brook, PA
Fridays June 27 – Aug 8 at 10:30 am – Noon for ages 10 through adultSewing Club
Join Ms. Nancy in making a variety of sewing projects this summer. This program is for adults and young adults ages 10 and up. This program has been happening for the past two years. It started with sewing machine donations.


Cookbook Challenge
at Kennett Public Library, Kennett Square, PA Cookbook Challenge Handout
Amateur chefs of all ages are invited to participate in our 2016 Cookbook Challenge! Joining in is easy:
Browse our stellar selection of cookbooks available at KPL (hint: check the call number 641.5!)
Pick a recipe!
Join us for the Cookbook Challenge Potluck with a prepared version of your recipe (enough to share with 15+ people).
No prizes will be awarded and it’s not a competition — just an opportunity to meet your neighbors, create something tasty, and share recipes!

Don’t Forget to Write @ TPL, Strafford, PA.  Mondays at 3pm from 6/20-8/8.
Writing pencilHowever, remember to leave electronics at home for this seven session writing program. Your teacher, Miss Christie, will introduce the importance and appreciation of handwritten correspondences to you. You will write essays, postcards, letters all by hand and some in cursive.
Ps. She guarantees (in writing) a memorable experience.


This is a just a sampling of low cost maker programs in Chester County. These programs support many of the PA Forward Literacies including: Civic & Social, Basic, and Health Literacy.PA Forward Logo of Five Literacies