Thank you for all your library does to support broadband access for Pennsylvanians. Library internet, public access technology, and digital skllls assistance and training helps Pennsylvania communities thrive by offering opportunity for access.
Show your interest: If you want to receive targeted communications about broadband related to libraries, fill out this form and I’ll reach out to you to answer any questions, hear your ideas, and establish the best channels for our communications. Because I know your work time is precious, based on response to this interest poll, I can target information and outreach about this topic to you by region, county, or type of library to ensure you get curated and relevant messages.
Build Your Library’s Network Relationships: PBDA’s Broadband Ready Communities Program
Learn about the Broadband Ready Communities (BBRC) – Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority program.
Action Step: Find out who in your municipality or county has signed up as the primary contact for Broadband Ready Communities Program. If they haven’t signed up, find out why not.
Let them know what your library offers to the community by way of public computing resources and digital skills classes and what your library needs to further support the needs you have identified in your community.
Digital Equity Funding to Come:
On December 12, 2024, Pennsylvania was named as one of the states to be able to request funding from the Digital Equity Capacity Grant Award. Biden-Harris Administration Approves and Recommends for Award Digital Equity Capacity Grant Applications Totaling More Than $85.1 Million | Internet for All
Learn about the Digital Equity (DE) Act – Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority and be prepared (gather community partners and have documented evidence of the needs in your community) with data and ideas for projects that may qualify for this funding when it is released.
Does Your Library e-rate?
November included a great experience for me in attending the State Library Administrative Agency E-rate Coordinators Meeting. Hot Topics of discussion in e-rate included the supreme court plans to hear the case about the source of USF funding, hot spot lending, the cybersecurity pilot, and CIPA compliance. Overall, PA looks good to other states, because so much training and helpful information is available here: E-rate in Pennsylvania |
If your library isn’t using e-rate or doesn’t have at least 100Mpbs in download and upload speed, reach out if you’d like to learn more or talk about it.
New Round of Laptop Grants Opening in April
In June 2024, the PBDA opened the Capital Projects Fund – Digital Connectivity Technology (Technology) Program. This program utilized $20 million of the $279 million in the Capital Projects Fund that were allocated to Pennsylvania through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021.
In November 2024, the PBDA Board of Directors approved 117 applications for the distribution of over 9,000 laptops across 42 counties. These entities included libraries, municipalities, workforce training organizations, not-for-profit organizations, other community anchor institutions, in areas where affordability is a barrier. For details on the first round of approved applicants, please visit the Digital Connectivity Technology Program page.
The PBDA will open a second round of the Technology Program beginning April 1, 2025, to distribute the remaining laptops. The PBDA wanted to reach out specifically to libraries as you are pillars in your communities. Many Pennsylvanians rely on libraries as a place to access internet connectivity. Additionally, many come there for access to a tablet or computer, so they can properly complete schoolwork, a telehealth visit, and much more. This program will aim to close that piece of the digital divide by allowing public-facing entities to acquire devices that will be made free and publicly available to community members.
Additionally, in preparation for this second round, there will be two webinars which will provide an overview of the program, review FAQs, and outline any updates to the guidelines. See the join meeting links:
- Wednesday, January 29, 2025 from 2:30p.m. – 3:30p.m.
- Wednesday, February 12, 2025 from 10:30a.m. – 11:30a.m.
Additional information for these webinars is provided in the DCTP Round 2 Webinar Flyer.
Office Hours for Library Technology and Digital Literacy Teaching
Office of Commonwealth LIbraries is offering two new monthly offerings to connect staff across PA who support broadband technology and digital literacy offerings in your libraries. Join Carrie Cleary for online open office hours for opportunities to discuss library technology, broadband integration, and digital literacy twice monthly, starting in February. The sessions will be offered on the first Friday from 11a.m.-noon and the third Thursday from 10a.m.-11a.m. These sessions will start as an open time for PA library staff to bring topics of discussion. Jump into an online meeting room to ask your questions, learn from other techies, or discuss the state of your library’s digital learning programs. Let’s build community around our shared work in broadband in libraries. If you are interested in links to the virtual meetings, please complete this form:
Ideas for early discussion might include:
- How do you manage and count use on your public wireless network? What trends are you seeing?
- What bandwidth is your network capable of providing? What securities are in place for libraries and patrons?
- What is changing with public computers? How can they be set up to help users succeed?
- Are you loaning hot spots and laptops? Is your policy and procedure working out?
- What resources are tech staff using for professional development? Are your library collections in the technology area robust?
- What resources do you provide your local computer clubs and gamers and designers and artists to navigate their new digital worlds and the workforce?
- Share your digital navigator stories. What should libraries celebrate and what do we need to learn?
- What trainings are needed for digital skills in your community?
Thank You
If you have any questions or just want to talk about library broadband work, reach out anytime to