Multi-District Trustee Training at Altoona: Relational Leadership | STAGING Compendium
Leta Beam of Vantage International

Leta Beam of Vantage International

When does five hours of “training” not feel like training?  When it is presented by Leta Beam in her motivating, funny, thought-provoking way.  Trustees and library directors from the Altoona, Johnstown and Central PA districts were treated to an evening with Leta at the Blair County Convention Center in Altoona on May 23, courtesy of LSTA funding administered by the Office of Commonwealth Libraries.

Leta is the President of Vantage International, a leadership and business coaching firm.  She knows what it takes to achieve balance, to build a rewarding professional environment and to get the job done with creativity and ease.  Beyond this knowledge is her professional communicator’s skill in engaging her audience and imparting her message.

Leta’s strongly presented message — with the same old ways of thinking, the same old results are achieved.  Her brand of relational leadership offers everyone involved in a business or organization the chance to have influence.  Leta explained leadership using John C. Maxwell’s definition, “Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.”

While relational leadership makes a great deal of sense, it isn’t easy to achieve.  It means letting go of the need to parent and/or act like a child; creating goals together instead of having them handed down from on high; no longer viewing ourselves as the source of power with all the answers.  Courage is needed!

It was a pleasure to see how well Leta was able to engage attendees at this workshop.  Her most recent book, Take the Lead: Full Throttle Engagement Powered by Coaching is available from Hugo House Publishers. Leta also offers training on coaching to encourage relational leadership.  If you are lucky, maybe there is a Leta Beam presentation in your future.

submitted on behalf of Altoona, Johnstown and State College Districts by
Mary Lou Repsher,
District Consultant Librarian
Cambria County Library