WebJunction | Compendium

Free WebJunction Webinars for You

These upcoming webinars are open for registration. If you can’t attend a live session, all WebJunction webinars are recorded and available for free in the Course Catalog. Laying Out the Welcome Mat: Asset Mapping to Better Serve the Immigrant Community Tuesday, July...

Professional Development Opprtunities for June

Find professional development opportunities in June 2018 by topic or date at WebJunction. Also check out upcoming WebJunction webinars and  WebJunction’s course catalog.   All WebJunction courses and webinars are FREE and count towards public library CE requirements....

Upcoming Webinars on WebJunction: Building a Culture of Learning with Library Boards; Taking Community Partnerships to the Next Level

Here are a couple of the upcoming FREE  live WebJunction Webinars for You: These upcoming webinars are open for registration. If you can’t attend a live session, all WebJunction webinars are recorded and available for free in the Course Catalog. Building a Culture of...