WebJunction | Compendium

Professional Development Opportunities for November 2021

Find professional development opportunities in November 2021 by topic or date at WebJunction!  All WebJunction courses and webinars are FREE and count towards Pennsylvania public library CE requirements. Remember to check WebJunction Courses, WebJunction Webinars,...

Professional Development Opportunities in July 2021

Find professional development opportunities in July 2021 by topic or date at WebJunction!  All WebJunction courses and webinars are FREE and count towards Pennsylvania public library CE requirements. Remember to check WebJunction Courses, WebJunction Webinars, the PA...

Community-Centered Libraries Webinar Series, a Partnership Between the Free Library of Philadelphia and WebJunction

Like many libraries across the nation, the Free Library of Philadelphia is undergoing a paradigm shift. Their extensive collections offer boundless discoveries, but increasingly their focus is not only on what is housed within their walls and on their servers, but how...