WebJunction | Compendium

Upcoming WebJunction Webinar Topics: Identity Theft, Opioids, Advocacy

WebJunction Webinars for You The following upcoming webinars are open for registration. If you can’t attend a live session, all WebJunction webinars are recorded and available for free in the Course Catalog: Scams, Fraud and Identity Theft: How Libraries Can Help...

Professional Development for September 2019

Find professional development opportunities in September 2019 by topic or date at WebJunction! Remember to check WebJunction Courses,  WebJunction Webinars and the Compendium for other continuing education opportunities that may interest you. All WebJunction courses...

Project READY: Reimagining Equity and Access for Diverse Youth

Project READY (Reimagining Equity and Access for Diverse Youth) is an online racial equity curriculum  freely accessible for libraries at ready.web.unc.edu. The curriculum consists of 27 modules, organized into three sequential sections: Foundations focuses on basic...